Schmidt and Dohnányi, iconic composers from Bratislava

2nd concert of the season

9. 11. 2018 at 19.00

Johannes Brahms: Academic Festival Ouverture Op. 80
Ernő Dohnányi: Violin Concerto in C Minor, Op. 43
Franz Schmidt: Symphony No. 3 in A Major
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra
Milan Paľa – violin
Martin Leginus – conductor

The concert takes place thanks to the cooperation with Albrechtina, NGO, as part of their project (Un)known Music in RTVS 2018.


Milan Paľa (born 1982), a violinist of Slovak origin, is one of the most distinctive personalities on the contemporary music scene. His unique style of playing is unmistakable and experts justifiably rank him among the world’s top performers of the younger generation. During his studies at the Ján Levoslav Bella Conservatory in Banská Bystrica, at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna and the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, Milan Paľa won numerous awards and attracted international attention in European competitions. At that time he also took international master classes in Zurich (with Vladimir Spivakovand Jean Guillou) and, in a private class with Semyon Yaroshevich, became acquainted with the legendary Russian school of David Oistrakh. However, it was his cooperation with composers that, according to Milan, profoundly influenced his musical expression.
A close relationship and creative collaboration with such composers as Jean Guillou, Evgeny Irshai and František Gregor Emmertresulted in a string of works “made-to-measure” for the young violinist, who at the same time expanded his performance skills to a point far beyond the limits of the ordinary.
A violinist who is also a virtuoso of the viola, Milan Paľa is in demand for first performances of new works, and he has premiered a large number by such composers as Jean Guillou, Evgeny Irshai, František Gregor Emmert, Marián Lejava, Christophe Sirodeau, Erkki-Sven Tüür, Ádám Kondor, Ivan Josip Skender, Ante Knešaurek, Adrián Demoč, Tõnu Kõrvits, Daniel Matej, Lena Sierova and Wolfgang Bauer. In recent years he has performed for audiences at several prestigious events showcasing new music, of which the most important included the ISCM World New Music Days 2013, the 28th Music Biennale Zagreb (2015), Arcus Temporum (Pannonhalma, Hungary), the Melos-Ethos International Festival of Contemporary Music (Bratislava, Slovakia) and the Hradec Králové Music Forum (Czech Republic, 2013), where he played the Violin Concerto by the Finnish composer, Esa-Pekka Salonen. In April 2017, he performed at the 29thMusic Biennale Zagreb, this time in Harrison Birtwistle’s Concerto for Violin and Orchestra under the baton of Pierre-André Valade.
A very busy concert artist, Milan Paľa commands a broad repertoire. His career as a soloist has led him to cooperation with conductors such as Theodor Guschlbauer, Howard Arman, Alexander Cernusenko, Leoš Svárovský, Andreas Sebastian Weiser, Peter Gribanov, Jakub Hrůša, Ondrej Lenárd and Marián Lejava.
A major project of the “enfant terrible of the solo violin”, as Milan Paľa was once described in an interview, has been to record the complete works for solo violin by Slovak composers, entitled Violin Solo 1-5. For this momentous undertaking he received multiple awards, including the Prize of the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic (2014), the Frico Kafenda Prize (2015) and the Ľudovít Rajter Prize (2009). The last award for young Slovak musicians has so far been given to only three performers. Milan Paľa was the second laureate, and received the award not just for his exceptional performing skills but also for his unique approach to Slovak music. In 2014 he was awarded the Tatra banka Foundation Prize for his recording of Slovak Violin Concertos with the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Mário Košík.
Milan Paľa’s continuously expanding discography contains many works of the world’s violin repertoire. With pianist Ladislav Fanzowitz, he is committed to recording the complete sonatas for violin and piano by major composers, with works by Johannes Brahms, Ludwig van Beethoven, Eugen Suchoň and Edvard Grieg having been published so far. Their most recent recording (2017) features Dmitri Shostakovich’s Sonata for Violin and Piano, Op. 134, and Sonata for Viola and Piano, Op. 147. A result of the inspiring cooperation of many years between Milan Paľa and the conductor and composer Marián Lejava is their critically acclaimed recording of violin concertos by Alban Berg and Karol Szymanowski with the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra. The recording, which received the Radio Head Award in 2016, has met with favourable response internationally.
A new, unique instrument – a five-string violin – occupies a special place in Milan Paľa’s creative output. Dubbed “milanolo”, it is a concert instrument that brings a lower, viola register to the violin, and is the first of its kind. It was created in 2013 at the workshop of the Bursík family of violinmakers in Brno, and bears the name of the performer for whom it was conceived. A special CD presenting the instrument in works by European composers created specifically for the occasion has been issued under the simple title, MILANOLO.

Martin Leginus (SK, dirigent) študoval dirigovanie na Štátnom konzervatóriu (Z. Bílek) a na VŠMU  v Bratislave (O. Lenárd, P. Feranec). V rámci štúdia sa zúčastnil majstrovských kurzov u K. Masura, bývalého šéfdirigenta Newyorskej filharmónie, následne absolvoval semestrálnu stáž v Landestheater Detmold v Nemecku. Spolupracoval s Orchestrom Štátnej opery Budapešť, Filharmóniou Oviedo, Symfonickým orchestrom Slovenského rozhlasu, Štátnou filharmóniou Košice, Orchestrom Štátnej opery Košice, Cappellou Istropolitanou, Štátnym komorným orchestrom Žilina, Slovenským komorným orchestrom B. Warchala, Musicou aeternou; a so sólistami Ľubica Vargicová, Adriana Kučerová, Eva Hornyáková, Jolana Fogašová, Terézia Kružliaková, Leo Nucci, Pavol Bršlík, Sergej Larin, Miroslav Dvorský, Oto Klein, Dalibor Jenis, Peter Mikuláš, Markus Forster, Ladislav Fančovič, Marian Lapšanský a i.
Od roku 2006 pôsobí v SND, najskôr ako asistent pri naštudovaní opier Sedliacka česť, Komedianti, Bohéma a Madama Butterfly. V januári 2007 debutoval úspešným záskokom v balete Arama Chačaturjana Spartakus. Od roku 2008 je stálym dirigentom SND. Dirigoval opery Otello, Čarovná flauta, Dvaja Foscariovci, Predaná nevesta, Martin a Slnko a balety Labutie jazero, Spiaca krásavica a Spartakus. Naštudoval balety Ivan Hrozný, Luskáčik, Giselle a Sylfida. V sezóne 2012/2013 bude v SND asistovať pri naštudovaní Rossiniho opery Barbier zo Sevilly, Wagnerovej opery Lohengrin a Prokofievovho baletu Romeo a Júlia. V decembri 2012 debutoval vo Verdiho opere Macbeth a v januári 2013 ho čaká debut v ďalšej Verdiho opere Nabucco. V roku 2009 vystúpil na najväčšom slovenskom open-air festivale Bažant Pohoda v Trenčíne, kde dirigoval spoločný projekt Orchestra SND a budapeštianskej Štátnej opery. V tom istom roku sa úspešne predstavil vo viedenskom Konzerthause a následne i na pódiu berlínskeho Konzerthausu, kde v rámci 20. výročia Nežnej revolúcie dirigoval koncert so ŠKO Žilina. V roku 2010 absolvoval úspešné turné v Poľsku so Štátnou filharmóniou Košice a v januári 2011 dirigoval novoročné koncerty s Filharmóniou Oviedo v Španielsku. V júni 2012 spolupracoval s legendárnym talianskym barytonistom Leom Nuccim v bratislavskej produkcii Verdiho opery Dvaja Foscariovci. V januári 2013 debutoval v Štátnej opere v Prahe v predstavení Mozartovej Čarovnej flauty. V júni 2013 dirigoval projekt Folklor Symphony (symfonická a filmová tvorba T. Andrašovana a S. Stračinu) na Bratislavskom hrade v rámci festivalu Viva Musica!. Od augusta 2013 do roku 2016 bol hudobným riaditeľom Štátnej opery v Prahe.

logo_FPU_EN.jpgThe concert takes place thanks to the cooperation with Albrechtina, NGO, as part of their project (Un)known Music in RTVS 2018, which is supported using public funds from the Slovak Arts Council. The Council is main partner of the project.

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